
wine trends and tips for restaurants

Dessert and Drinks – A Sweet Treat for Consumers and Restaurants

Wine, beer and dessert, oh my. This appetizing trend is appearing in restaurants across the country. Tying these beverages to desserts opens new, delicious doors for consumers that have never thought to drink with dessert before. There is an art behind pairing sweet dishes with alcohol and we have the tips to get you started.

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Wine pairing with chocolates

Will Your Servers Make These Wine Pairing Mistakes Tonight?

It’s a Friday night and your restaurant is packed. You made sure your servers clearly understood each of the specials, and that they are upselling things like specials. You’ve trained them to walk diners through each detail and ingredient of your menu, and you even know that they can discuss how each dish is prepared. You’ve done a good job hiring servers who are kind and attentive to your customers’ every need, but, we’re sorry to tell you, unless you’ve trained your servers about good wine pairing, they are destroying your return business and not maximizing your profit. Here are three common wine pairing mistakes that your servers are making right now.

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